Category Archives: Pricing and Policy

State of the Industry: 2021 Year In Review
November 16, 2021

We just held our first-ever, and hopefully only, virtual Atlas Venture Annual Meeting for our investors. Although science is winning in this pandemic, we’re clearly not back to normal yet so felt it prudent to shift to a virtual format.

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Five Macro Risks To Biotech Coming Out of Washington
April 22, 2021

Despite saving the world from COVID, pharma and biotech are still in the crosshairs of many politicians. With many anti-Pharma politicians and regulators emboldened in the current environment, and with more aggressive tax and spending policy in the works, there

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Our 2019 Year In Review: Macro, Biotech, and Atlas
December 13, 2019

It’s that time of year again when we pause to reflect on the state of the industry – and there’s more to focus on in biopharma today than just the drug pricing debate. As I described last year, we host

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Venturing A Perspective On The Drug Pricing Debate
December 10, 2019

The perennial drug pricing debate has reached a fever pitch, as loud as it’s ever been over the past few decades. Politicians on both sides are bashing the drug industry with the typical talking points about exorbitant prices, countered of

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If You Build It, Will They Come? Addressing The Value Equation
March 12, 2019

This blog was written by Ankit Mahadevia, CEO and founder of Spero Therapeutics, as part of the From The Trenches feature of LifeSciVC. Over my experience building several therapeutics companies, I’ve sometimes observed a Field of Dreams approach to therapeutics:

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