Category Archives: R&D Productivity

Atlas Venture 2023 Year In Review
November 17, 2023

2023 couldn’t end fast enough for most of us in biopharma; its been a tough year in the capital markets, and the industry is facing it’s fair share of headwinds. Fortunately, despite all that, great science and medicine continues to

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Hacking the Human Cell – How Once ‘Un-druggable’ Proteins Became the New Frontier in Drug Development
June 21, 2022

By Jonathan Montagu, CEO and founder of HotSpot Therapeutics, as part of the From The Trenches feature of LifeSciVC. White Hat Hackers, sometimes called “ethical hackers,” are individuals that work to find and fix security problems in a system by

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Biotech Bears: Jumping A Lower Bar Or A Higher One?
March 17, 2022

Biotech sentiment is super bearish today, as the sector has been crushed over the last year. There’s blood in the water, especially for small and mid-cap players, and everyone’s looking for what caused the carnage. There are many factors at

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Model Behavior
September 29, 2021

By Aoife Brennan, CEO of Synlogic Therapeutics, as part of the From The Trenches feature of LifeSciVC The COVID-19 pandemic has upended life as we know it. Given so much uncertainty, it is a normal human impulse to want some

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Will Clinical Trials Make a House Call?
June 15, 2020

By Aoife Brennan, CEO of Synlogic, as part of the From The Trenches feature of LifeSciVC I love to travel. While still in training in internal medicine, I earned extra money to fund trips abroad by covering for community-based general

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BioPharma M&A Drives More Efficient Resource Allocation
March 2, 2020

M&A is an omnipresent reality in the biopharma industry, from Big Pharma mega-mergers to smaller acquisitions of emerging startups. We’ve recently witnessed several large M&A transactions get closed or announced, including BMS-Celgene, Takeda-Shire, and AbbVie-Allergan; according to BMO Capital Markets

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Our 2019 Year In Review: Macro, Biotech, and Atlas
December 13, 2019

It’s that time of year again when we pause to reflect on the state of the industry – and there’s more to focus on in biopharma today than just the drug pricing debate. As I described last year, we host

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Getting Clinical On New Drug Launches
May 13, 2019

The IQVIA Institute released a data-rich report in April 2019 on the state of clinical R&D in the US pharmaceutical industry titled “The Changing Landscape of Research and Development: Innovation, Drivers of Change, and Evolution of Clinical Trial Productivity”.  The

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Human Antibody Discovery: Of Mice And Phage
May 11, 2017

The FDA recently approved Imfinzi (durvalumab) for the treatment of bladder cancer, making it the fifth new monoclonal antibody approved this year. More than twenty antibodies have been approved by the FDA since 2015. While not quite the magic bullet envisioned


Four Decades Of Hacking Biotech And Yet Biology Still Consumes Everything
April 26, 2017

Neural networks, cloud computing, deep learning, and in silico wizardry are on the cusp of disintermediating pharmaceutical drug discovery, cutting billions of billions off the industry’s cost of new drugs and reducing the time to get new medicines approved to


Positive Impact Of External Sourcing On Pharma R&D Productivity
December 16, 2016

Pharma R&D productivity continues to be a critical issue for the industry. Making smart investments in R&D requires an understanding of the risk and return drivers across the product development cycle, as well as some good fortune. This week the

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Exploring Company Contributions To The Origination Of New Medicines
October 13, 2016

A new FDA approval marks a major milestone in the biopharmaceutical business; relatively few biopharma companies are ever able to lay claim to having discovered, developed, or marketed a recently approved medicine. As of mid-October, the FDA has approved 17

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This Time May Be Different: Today’s Biotech Market In Context
January 7, 2016

The past five years have been the greatest bull run in the history of the biotech industry. Stock market outperformance, significant fundraising levels both private and public, more IPOs in this window than ever before, and huge volumes of M&A.


The Virtues of Virtual – And Why We’re Devirtualizing
January 4, 2016

This blog was written by Mike Gilman, CEO of Padlock Therapeutics, as part of the “From the Trenches” feature of LifeSciVC. I stumbled into a bit of a mess a few weeks ago. It was with the best of intentions, of course.


External Innovation: Force Multiplier For R&D
June 26, 2015

External models of R&D innovation are the rage in Pharma today, as they should be – the future of our industry depends on a great deal more rather than less collaboration. In a very healthy way, lots of experiments are


A Billion Here, A Billion There: The Cost Of Making A Drug Revisited
November 21, 2014

The cost of making a new drug has grown to nearly $2.6B, according to the latest and greatest from Tufts Center for the Study of Drug Development (here).  That’s a big and almost unfathomable number.  Critics immediately pounced on it,


Biotech’s Virtual Reality
June 4, 2014

Much has been written about the merits and demerits of the virtual biotech model.  In essence, a virtual biotech outsources all non-core activities and rejects the need for in-house laboratories.  Instead, a small internal team manages execution outside the company,


Talent Acquisition: Pharma Is The Lifeblood Of Biotech
May 19, 2014

Startup Biotechs need bigger drug companies for lots of things, including R&D collaborations, investments, non-dilutive funding, and eventual liquidity via M&A. The health of today’s ecosystem depends on biotech and pharma working together. But one of the most important and


Leveraging Nature’s Experiments: Mitigating Drug Discovery Risks Through Human Genetics
May 8, 2014

Extreme clinical phenotypes caused by rare genetic variations have been the basis of some of the most exciting drug targets in today’s pharmaceutical pipeline: PCSK9 in cholesterol, sclerostin in bone diseases, Nav1.7 for pain.  The rare gene signatures underlying these


Transformational Late Stage Drugs Delivered Through Deal-Making
March 21, 2014

Today’s biopharma industry has a richer and more exciting late stage pipeline of compelling new therapeutics than its had in years, drawing lots of enthusiasm from analysts and investors.  Goldman Sachs (GS) recently published a report on the “10 drugs


If I Were A Big Pharma Head of R&D…
August 5, 2013

The Pharma R&D model is certainly suffering, and the industry’s pandemic sickness is best embodied by “Eroom’s law” of ever-decreasing R&D productivity. But it’s a lot easier to diagnose this disease than it is to prescribe a medicine. In fairness,