Category Archives: Pharma industry

Sentiment & Themes Emerging From JPM 2024
January 16, 2024

By Aimee Raleigh, Principal at Atlas Venture, as part of the From The Trenches feature of LifeSciVC Just in time for new years’ reflections and resolutions, this year’s JPM felt like a refreshing burst of enthusiasm for a sector that

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Atlas Venture 2023 Year In Review
November 17, 2023

2023 couldn’t end fast enough for most of us in biopharma; its been a tough year in the capital markets, and the industry is facing it’s fair share of headwinds. Fortunately, despite all that, great science and medicine continues to

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On the Road at ASCO 2023: Key Takeaways, Observations and Reflections
July 11, 2023

By Amanda J. Redig, SVP and Head of Clinical Development at HotSpot Therapeutics, as part of the From The Trenches feature of LifeSciVC The American Cancer Society for Oncology (ASCO) annual meeting is among the highlights of the clinical oncology

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Atlas Venture 2022 Year In Review
November 7, 2022

We just held our 2022 Annual General Meeting for our investors, and a few weeks ago convened our Atlas Venture Retreat – both in person for the first time in 3 years.  Kicking off each of these meetings is our

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State of the Industry: 2021 Year In Review
November 16, 2021

We just held our first-ever, and hopefully only, virtual Atlas Venture Annual Meeting for our investors. Although science is winning in this pandemic, we’re clearly not back to normal yet so felt it prudent to shift to a virtual format.

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Five Macro Risks To Biotech Coming Out of Washington
April 22, 2021

Despite saving the world from COVID, pharma and biotech are still in the crosshairs of many politicians. With many anti-Pharma politicians and regulators emboldened in the current environment, and with more aggressive tax and spending policy in the works, there

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The Biotech Paradox of 2020: A Year In Review
January 4, 2021

2020 was an incredibly paradoxical year for those of us in biotech: the striking dichotomy of simultaneously experiencing agonizing tragedy alongside buoyant optimism. It was truly a horrifically tragic year for humanity, and for America in particular.  As everyone knows,

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Biotech: The Featherweight Champion Of The Markets
November 20, 2020

Biotech punches way above its weight-class, and that’s never been more apparent than in this pandemic and the race for a COVID vaccine. For those of us in biopharma, it feels like it’s a large and dynamic sector populated by

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BioPharma M&A Drives More Efficient Resource Allocation
March 2, 2020

M&A is an omnipresent reality in the biopharma industry, from Big Pharma mega-mergers to smaller acquisitions of emerging startups. We’ve recently witnessed several large M&A transactions get closed or announced, including BMS-Celgene, Takeda-Shire, and AbbVie-Allergan; according to BMO Capital Markets

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Our 2019 Year In Review: Macro, Biotech, and Atlas
December 13, 2019

It’s that time of year again when we pause to reflect on the state of the industry – and there’s more to focus on in biopharma today than just the drug pricing debate. As I described last year, we host

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Venturing A Perspective On The Drug Pricing Debate
December 10, 2019

The perennial drug pricing debate has reached a fever pitch, as loud as it’s ever been over the past few decades. Politicians on both sides are bashing the drug industry with the typical talking points about exorbitant prices, countered of

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Getting Clinical On New Drug Launches
May 13, 2019

The IQVIA Institute released a data-rich report in April 2019 on the state of clinical R&D in the US pharmaceutical industry titled “The Changing Landscape of Research and Development: Innovation, Drivers of Change, and Evolution of Clinical Trial Productivity”.  The

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If You Build It, Will They Come? Addressing The Value Equation
March 12, 2019

This blog was written by Ankit Mahadevia, CEO and founder of Spero Therapeutics, as part of the From The Trenches feature of LifeSciVC. Over my experience building several therapeutics companies, I’ve sometimes observed a Field of Dreams approach to therapeutics:

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Our Year In Review: Annual Talk On Macro, Biotech, and Atlas
February 12, 2019

At the end of every year, we host both our Atlas Venture Annual Meeting for our fund investors (Limited Partners) and our Atlas Retreat for senior industry executives.  As a kickoff for these two meetings, we typically open with a

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The Game Isn’t Worth The Candle: Reflections On The JPM Healthcare Conference
January 14, 2019

Another year, another JPM week. With a weekend to recuperate and reflect, I come away more concerned than ever about JPM and our industry. For context, by JPM I don’t mean the actual J.P. Morgan Healthcare Conference at the Westin

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Caravans of Biotech Immigrant Executives
April 5, 2018

Recently there’s been talk of a caravan of immigrants marching towards the United States, principally focused on Mexico and Central America.  But there’s also another caravan, this one at work in the biopharma business: the long term migration of science

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Report Card For 2017: My Crystal Ball Predictions For Biotech
December 22, 2017

Heading into the winter holidays always brings out festive reflections of the past year. Twelve months ago, we were thrilled to say goodbye to 2016 and excited to embrace 2017’s promise.  And in large part, the past year has delivered

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In Search Of Novelty: 2017’s New FDA Drug Approvals
November 30, 2017

It’s been an exciting year for new drug approvals, with the FDA on a similar pace to the gangbuster year of 2015. Many of these new medicines address significant and meaningful needs, or offer additional therapeutic choices for patients and

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New Blood Needed: Pharma R&D Leadership Tenure
September 5, 2017

It’s all about people, it always is. Human capital is a company’s most important asset. Successful companies have human capital management strategies that excel at talent recruitment, and prioritize career development and retention. But human capital is never static, and

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Four Decades Of Hacking Biotech And Yet Biology Still Consumes Everything
April 26, 2017

Neural networks, cloud computing, deep learning, and in silico wizardry are on the cusp of disintermediating pharmaceutical drug discovery, cutting billions of billions off the industry’s cost of new drugs and reducing the time to get new medicines approved to


Seven Important Policy Agenda Items For BioPharma
January 31, 2017

President Trump’s tenure as the 45th POTUS has begun with even more fireworks than most pundits predicted – protests, marches, bans, and lots of other drama. The coastal Twitter/Facebook bubbles are exploding with anger and rage, while the Trump populists

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Crystal Ball Gazing: Biotech Predictions for 2017
January 5, 2017

Good riddance to 2016, and a warm embrace to 2017 – or so is the sentiment of most biotech investors as they head into the 35th annual JPM Healthcare Conference. Many have bemoaned last year as an abysmal one for


Positive Impact Of External Sourcing On Pharma R&D Productivity
December 16, 2016

Pharma R&D productivity continues to be a critical issue for the industry. Making smart investments in R&D requires an understanding of the risk and return drivers across the product development cycle, as well as some good fortune. This week the

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Exploring Company Contributions To The Origination Of New Medicines
October 13, 2016

A new FDA approval marks a major milestone in the biopharmaceutical business; relatively few biopharma companies are ever able to lay claim to having discovered, developed, or marketed a recently approved medicine. As of mid-October, the FDA has approved 17

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Potential Silver Lining Of Pharma Price Pressure: More Biotech Deal-making?
September 14, 2016

The maelstrom around drug pricing has continued its fury over the past month, which has led to considerable volatility in the biopharma stock market. Investor fears of draconian price controls that will eliminate the return of investment from innovative pharmaceutical


Innovators vs Exploiters: Drug Pricing And The Future Of Pharma
August 29, 2016

Pharmaceutical pricing got thrown onto the front page again last week, causing the expected anaphylactic reactions among politicians, practitioners, and parents. The root of this crisis: Epipen’s 600% price increase over the past eight years. The biannual upticks underlying that


I/O: The Strategic Supernova In Cancer Today
June 22, 2016

With the big cancer confab ASCO 2016 fading into memory, R&D teams everywhere are getting back to work on their cancer programs – and across the industry many of them will be doing the same work, on the same targets,


Unpredictable Precedent: Bread, Circuses, And The Termination of Pfizer-Allergan
April 12, 2016

Last week, when the Treasury effectively scuttled the Pfizer-Allergan merger, there was much rejoicing: politicians and pundits alike were thrilled that tax inversion greed had been stopped, and that companies like Pfizer would have to “pay their fair share.”  Investors

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Corporate Equity Investing In Biotech: Enriching For Success
March 10, 2016

For startup and emerging biotech companies, corporate venture capital and direct corporate equity investing are critically important contributors on the spectrum of funding sources – and over the past fifteen years, their involvement as investors in young biotech companies appears

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El Niño At The JP Morgan Conference: Optimism After A Stormy Week For The Biotech Markets
January 15, 2016

This blog was written by Michael Gladstone, Principal at Atlas Venture, as part of the “From the Trenches” feature of LifeSciVC. The wifi is predictably not working on my flight back from the JP Morgan Healthcare Conference (#JPM16), allowing me the

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The Virtues of Virtual – And Why We’re Devirtualizing
January 4, 2016

This blog was written by Mike Gilman, CEO of Padlock Therapeutics, as part of the “From the Trenches” feature of LifeSciVC. I stumbled into a bit of a mess a few weeks ago. It was with the best of intentions, of course.


A Biotech New Year’s Resolution
December 15, 2015

This blog was written by Ron Renaud, CEO of RaNA Therapeutics, as part of the “From the Trenches” feature of LifeSciVC. It is that time of the year again when we start to get ready for the New Year.  It is


Seven Habits of Celgene’s Highly Successful Strategy
December 10, 2015

Over the past seven years, Celgene has emerged as one of the most active and creative deal-makers in the biopharma industry. The Boston Consulting Group’s Biopharma Partnering Survey and Benchmarking analysis examines BD activity and perceptions across the industry, and

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External Innovation: Force Multiplier For R&D
June 26, 2015

External models of R&D innovation are the rage in Pharma today, as they should be – the future of our industry depends on a great deal more rather than less collaboration. In a very healthy way, lots of experiments are


ASCO 2015: Abstract Thoughts On Cancer And Competition
May 29, 2015

With the start of the American Society of Clinical Oncology meeting, all eyes in the biopharma investor community are on Chicago. Social media is alive with #ASCO15 tweets and companies big and small are firing out press releases. Signal from


Data Snapshot: Dwarfed By Big Pharma, Biotech By The Numbers
February 16, 2015

Biotech fills the news these days – whether it’s the announcement of exciting new clinical data, another high-flying IPO, or a big M&A deal. Amidst the significant “share of voice” in the coverage of young and emerging biotech in the

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Infusing Biotech With Young Blood
January 30, 2015

This blog was written by Michael Gladstone, Principal at Atlas Venture, as part of the “From the Trenches” feature of LifeSciVC. Youth is often well represented among entrepreneurs – except in biotech. William Osler, founder of Johns Hopkins University and the


Things I Expect To Hear At #JPM15
January 9, 2015

Are you ready for the circus?  Next week’s JPM Healthcare Conference is getting ready to kickoff, and much of the healthcare industry is feverishly preparing their materials for the mayhem. Given the biopharma industry pipeline’s exciting clinical progress, a record-breaking

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A Billion Here, A Billion There: The Cost Of Making A Drug Revisited
November 21, 2014

The cost of making a new drug has grown to nearly $2.6B, according to the latest and greatest from Tufts Center for the Study of Drug Development (here).  That’s a big and almost unfathomable number.  Critics immediately pounced on it,


Should I Stay Or Should I Go? Big Pharma Execs Taking The Biotech Plunge
October 6, 2014

That’s the dilemma facing drug hunters as leadership roles in biotech become more and more attractive.  You may have noticed that more and more seasoned pharma executives are making the move from big pharma or big biotech to lead small

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